Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Polaroid Week - Day Two

Polaroid Week, or I should call it Fall Polaroid Week, since we already had one in May, kicked off yesterday. Yes, it is technically called 'Roid Week but the picture that brings to my mind isn't pretty... I look forward to trying new things during Polaroid Week and this time around I got out a Sears Special One Step Land Camera with it's retro rainbow striped goodness. This camera came out about 1977, for $39.95. I bought it at a thrift store in 2009 for $10. Not sure if it worked, but Oh Baby, it does. It takes SX-70 film, and I just happened to have 4 packs that expired late last year. Whoopie! Now if only I could do the impossible and photograph the lovely little camera with itself... oh wait, I just got am idea for tomorrow's photo...

Today I made some natural light photos of my youngest daughter on my bed beneath a series of Polaroids (on the wall) of her older sister kissing and hugging my belly when I was pregnant with her. This camera used a strip of flashbulbs for illumination (wow, how many of those are in landfills now?) so I am forced to use natural light. These exposures were long, and I didn't even check for a tripod mount. I like how the camera shake and colors of the SX-70 film makes this look like an impressionist painting...

Polaroid Images by Tiffany Teske

For 10 ideas in how to display Polaroids see this previous post...

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